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Tentative Rulings

The Court will be posting Tentative Rulings for Family Law by 2:00 pm on Tuesdays and Tentative Rulings for Civil on Fridays by 2:00pm.

What is a Court Tentative Ruling?
A court tentative ruling is a preliminary decision issued by a judge before a scheduled court hearing, based on the written information submitted by the parties.

Family Law Tentative Rulings:

Tentative rulings will be issued the Tuesday prior to your Wednesday court date. All tentative rulings are posted on our website by 2:00 p.m. Objections must be received by 4:00p.m. or the tentative will become the order of the Court, and the matter will be taken off calendar. Please seek assistance from the Self-Help Center if needed prior to 4:00 p.m.

**Please contact Judicial Courtroom Assistant, Wendy Guerrero, at (831) 636-4057 x129 or with objections.

Once tentative rulings become the order please contact the Self-Help Center with any questions regarding your next steps.

Sentencias Provicionales de Derecho de Familia:

Resoluciones Provisionales se emitiran el martes antes de la fecha del miercoles de la fecha de la carte (Tribunal). Todas las resoluciones provisionales seran publicadas en nuestro citio web a las 2 de la tarde. Las objeciones deben recibirce antes de las 4 de la tarde o' la orden tentative se convertira en la orden de la corte (Tribunal) y el asunto se eliminara del calendario. Si es necesario, busque ayuda con el "Centro De Auto Ayuda" antes de las 4 de la tarde.

**Par favor pongase en contacto con la Asistente del Tribunal Judicial, Wendy Guerrero al numero de telefono (831) 636-4057 x 129 o' con cualquiera objecion o' inquietud.

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